Over Maryna Alimova
Maryna is a dermatologist-cosmetologist from Ukraine, where she graduated and received her doctorate in 2015. Maryna is a highly qualified and experienced cosmetologist.
Note: Since Maryna has completed medical school in Ukraine, she is currently not registered as a doctor in the Netherlands. The procedure of ‘declaration of competence’ is followed in order to get her Dutch BIG registration. She can, however, work under the ‘extended arm construction’, where a cosmetic doctor is present. She only speaks Ukrainian, Russian and English.
Let op: Aangezien Maryna haar studie geneeskunde in Oekraïne heeft afgerond, is zij op dit moment nog niet als arts in Nederland geregistreerd. De procedure van ‘verklaring van bekwaamheid’ wordt momenteel gevolgd om haar Nederlandse BIG-registratie te verkrijgen. Zij kan wel aan het werk onder de ‘verlengde arm constructie’, waarbij een cosmetisch arts aanwezig is. Zij spreekt Oekraïens, Russisch en Engels.
In addition to working as a cosmetologist-dermatologist, she treats patients with chronic skin diseases, for example, acne or rosacea. She is aware of the latest technologies and innovations in skin health and rejuvenation.
Maryna: “I fell in love with dermatology when I was studying at the medical academy. There I first faced how communication between a doctor and a patient and a tailor-made treatment plan can change humans’ lives. I keep learning all the time, attending conferences.”
She understands the wishes of her patients and treats them with care. Her patients are very satisfied with her individual and professional approach and consider her attentive and professional, attentive to details and find her working very delicately.
Behandelingen door Maryna Alimova
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